Building your own compost bin – it’s easy!

A wooden compost bin is filled with leaves and wood chips.
You can customize the frame size of the wooden compost bin to fit your individual garden.


    Promote soil health and reduce waste while doing your part for the environment – there are many advantages to having your own compost bin in the garden. In our article on composting, we answer all the important questions about the elixir of the gardening world: How do you make compost? What’s the right way to compost? How can you use the finished compost? Learn all about composting here.

    Before you can start making your own compost, you’ll need a container where you can store your garden and organic waste. So we’ve prepared a step-by-step guide to show you how to build your own compost bin using 16 wooden boards.

    Have you heard about our 18-volt system yet? It offers a huge variety of devices for many different applications. The thing that makes the project below so special is that you can use the same rechargeable battery for every part of this project. Simply swap out the battery pack, insert it into a different device that’s part of the 18-volt system, and move on to the next step.


    It should go without saying that your safety is paramount at every stage of the project. Make sure you take the necessary precautions to protect yourself. You can find everything you need to know about the protective clothing required for each type of task in our guide.

    You need

    Garden knowledge: Making your own compost bin Making compost.

    Garden knowledge: Making your own compost bin Making compost.

    There are many advantages to having your own compost bin in the garden. A particularly sustainable option is this DIY version made from wood. In this video, we show you how to build and set up your own compost bin.

    Measuring and cutting the boards

    A wooden plank is being cut to size using a jigsaw.

    After cutting the boards, double check to make sure they are all the same size.

    You need:
    Jigsaw blade T 101 B
    80 to 120-grain sanding sheet
    pencil, pocket rule, Planches en bois

    It’s easy to build a compost bin. All you need are several long, wooden boards of the same size. Of course, you can purchase cut boards from your hardware store.
    However, if you wish to cut the boards to size yourself, begin by measuring out the correct length and marking the boards accordingly. The longer the boards, the larger your compost bin will be. We recommend that you plan the location of your compost bin before beginning the project.

    Once you have measured all the boards, you can begin cutting them to size using a jigsaw. It may be necessary to sand down the cut edges afterwards.


    Cutting the lap joints

    A specialised plunge cut saw blade for a multi-function tool is being used to cut a notch in a wooden board.

    The width of the notches will depend on the thickness of the boards.

    You need:
    AdvancedMulti 18
    Lame plongeante HCS Wood
    pocket rule, pencil, Cut wooden boards

    Once all of the boards are cut, they can simply be fitted together. To ensure a secure fit, you must cut lap joints, or notches, at the top and bottom of the long sides of the boards. Note: The width of the notches will depend on the thickness of your boards. The depth of the notches will determine how far apart the boards will be spaced.

    Measure the thickness of the boards, and mark out the width and depth of the notches on each board. Make sure that each of the markings is exactly the same. The boards at the top and bottom of the compost bin only require two notches, both of which will be on the top or bottom side of the board, respectively. We recommend using a multi-function tool with a plunge cut saw blade to cut out the notches.


    Fitting the wood boards together

    Several wooden boards are being fitted together to create a compost bin.
    Two wooden boards are being fitted together and secured using a rubber hammer.
    Several wooden boards are being fitted together to create the frame of a compost bin.
    Several wooden boards are being fitted together to create a compost bin.
    Two wooden boards are being fitted together and secured using a rubber hammer.

    You need: rubber hammer, Wooden boards with lap joints

    Now you can begin to assemble your compost bin one board at a time. To do this, simply fit your wooden boards together using the lap joints that you have cut (image 1). We recommend assembling the compost bin in the same location where you intend to place it.
    Start by placing two boards (with notches on the top side only) parallel to one another on the ground. Now, use the lap joints to connect the first two boards to two additional boards. You may want to use a rubber hammer to secure the joints. Now you will have a square frame on the ground in front of you.
    Add each additional board step by step – the frame will get taller as you progress (image 2). The top edge of the frame will be made up of two boards with notches on the bottom side only (image 3).

    You have finished building the compost bin – now you can begin to make your own compost. Have a look at our comprehensive compost article to learn everything you need to know about composting.