Tutorial: How to trim your hedges

A picture of someone cutting their hedge using a hedgecutter
Learn how to cut hedges with our simple step-by-step guide

Not sure how to cut your hedges? No problem here’s our simple guide to help you trim your hedges.

Here's how you do it

A picture of someone pruning their hedge
We suggest using power assisted secateurs for this step

Start by laying down a floor cover so that you can easily dispose of the green waste later. Then remove any foreign growth from your hedge with a pair of secateurs.

A cordless pruner such as the EasyPrune makes your job easier.
A picture of someone using hedgecutters to cut a hedge
Start towards the bottom of the hedge

Now it’s time to start trimming your hedge. Grab your hedgecutter and start cutting towards the bottom working your way up cutting between 2 to 15cm deep so you’re trimming your hedge back to its original width.

A picture of someone cutting the hedge with a hedgecutter
Slowly work your way up the hedge for an event cut

Cut a section of your hedge at a time this will help you be more efficient. Slowly work your way up the hedge, carefully not to trim in a wonky line or taking more leaves out than other sections.

A picture of someone cutting the top of the hedge with a hedgecutter
Carefully cut the top of the hedge

Now it’s time to trim the top of the hedge. Carefully trim the top so the hedge returns to its original height. Use your hedge trimmer as a guide to help your trim in a straight line.

If you have a particularly tall hedge, you can use a hedge trimmer with telescopic rod such as the UniversalHedgePole 18.
A picture of someone clearing up the hedge cuttings
Now simply dispose of the hedge cuttings

Once your hedge is cut just simply dispose of the garden waste and use a leaf blower to dispose of any remaining leaves.

Our 18 Volt family can save you money. Simply use the same 18 Volt battery with your hedge trimmer, leaf blower and UniversalHedgeCut 18 as well as many more garden and tools. Meaning you can simply buy bare tools (tools without a battery) as you will just require the one battery for your entire system.