Hanging Glasses: 5in1 Wine Holder

A DIY 5in1 wine holder
Just follow our simple guide to create your own 5in1 wine holder
  • Difficulty
  • Cost
    50-100 £
  • Duration
    1-3 h

Do you like to enjoy a glass of wine in the sun with your friends and family but struggle to carry the bottle of wine and glasses? We have the answer with our 5in1 wine holder! It is one of our favourite DIY projects made out of wood thanks to its simplicity.

You need

Video instructions


Cut the wood to size

Cutting the wood to size with a nanoblade saw

Cut the wood to size using a NanoBlade saw

You need:
NanoBlade saw
Multifunction tool
g-clamps, work gloves, safety glasses, wood

Firstly, measure out the wood to 25cm x 25cm. Then using a pencil draw diagonals to find the center point. The cut the wood to size using a jigsaw. Once it is cut sand down the edges with a multi-sander for a smooth finish.

Next using a cordless drill/driver and a 32mm Forstner drill bit in second gear, drill a hole through the center point. Make sure to drill all the way through to the wooden block underneath.


Mark a hole for the wine glasses

Drilling holes into the wood for the wine glasses
Measuring where the holes need to be marked for the wine glasses
Drilling holes into the wood for the wine glasses
Measuring where the holes need to be marked for the wine glasses

Use a drill/driver to drill the holes

Measure the holes for the wine glasses

Use a drill/driver to drill the holes

Measure the holes for the wine glasses

You need:
Cordless drill/driver
Forstner drill bits
pencil, pocket rule

Measure 7cm in from each corner and mark the holes for each wine glass – the hole size will vary depending on the size of the stem of the wine glasses.

Drill the holes for the glasses using a cordless drill/driver and a 12-15 mm Forstner drill bit.


Cut the holes for the wine glasses

Cutting the holes for the wine glasses using a nanoblade saw

Cut slits in the wood so your wine glasses can hang in your DIY wine holder

You need:
NanoBlade saw
pocket rule, g-clamps

In order for the glasses to hang in the holes, slits need to be cut. The slits are to be drawn parallel to the diagonal lines. Draw lines 5mm parallel to each diagonal line. Next saw the slits wth a jigsaw or a NanoBlade saw and cut along the new lines. Make sure to work more slowly as you reach the end of the slot so that you stop inside the hole.


Sand down the edges

Sanding down the edges for a smooth finish

Sand down the edges for a smooth finish

You need: g-clamps, work gloves, safety glasses, face mask,

Sand the edges of the slits using a multi-sander or the sanding attachment on a multi-function tool to achieve a smooth finish.


Adding the finishing touches

Gluing on the finishing touches to the wine holder with a hot glue gun

Add the finishing touches to your wine holder

You need:
Plastic glue sticks
Cordless glue gun
Cork, Decoration material

Now to decorate your wine holder! Use a hot glue gun to glue fabric, textile tape, cork or pebbles to your wine holder to make it more personalised. Now you're ready to enjoy the sun!