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Perfect for your plants and comes with extra storage: add a splash of colour to your garden with this DIY raised bed

A colourful raised bed made from wood is standing in front of a brick wall in a garden.
Colourful and practical: the DIY raised bed with extra storage gives you space for both plants and gardening equipment.
  • Difficulty
  • Cost
    117-234 €
  • Duration
    1 d

Practical and colourful: your plants are always safe and sound in a raised bed – but it goes without saying that this sort of box shouldn’t take up a lot of space. We’ll show you how you can make the most of your raised bed and use it to store your garden equipment as well. Find out how to build your very own colourful all-rounder in the steps below.

It should go without saying that your safety is paramount throughout every step of the project, so make sure you take the necessary precautions to protect yourself. You can find an overview of the correct protective clothing you need when using each type of tool here: LINK TO NEW WIKI


You need

Adjust bottom panel

The corner of a wooden panel is being sawn out with a NanoBlade saw.
A marking is being made in the corner of a wooden panel with the help of a squared timber.
The corner of a wooden panel is being sawn out with a NanoBlade saw.
A marking is being made in the corner of a wooden panel with the help of a squared timber.

…and sawn out.

As the lower panel of the box won’t be touching the floor later, the slots for the supports need to be marked out...

…and sawn out.

As the lower panel of the box won’t be touching the floor later, the slots for the supports need to be marked out...

You need:
NanoBlade saw
Accessories for Jigsaws
g-clamps, meter rule, pencil, 2x wooden panels made from spruce/fir measuring 1,164 x 500 x 20 mm / squared timber measuring 70 x 45 mm

Before you can get started with building the raised bed, you will first need wooden planks, boards and squared timbers in the right dimensions. Saw everything to length so that you have all the wood materials listed above.

In the first building step, you will now need both bottom panels as well as a squared timber. Mark the slots for the supports in the two front corners of the panels. Do this by placing a squared timber in the corner and draw around it with a pencil.

Then, saw out the slot and repeat the process for the second panel.


Build the front and back walls

Ein Holzbrett wird mit einem Kantholz verschraubt.
A wooden plank is being screwed to a squared timber.
A wooden plank is being clamped to a work surface together with a squared timber.
Ein Holzbrett wird mit einem Kantholz verschraubt.
A wooden plank is being screwed to a squared timber.

…and behind a plank that also sits flush with the supports.

Connect the two front supports level with a wooden plank...

A cordless drill is drilling a hole through a wooden plank and a squared timber.

…and behind a plank that also sits flush with the supports.

Connect the two front supports level with a wooden plank...

You need:
Cordless drill/driver
3.5 mm wood drill bit
Screw bits
g-clamps, pencil, meter rule, several 4 x 50 mm screws / 4x 1,164 mm wooden planks / 2x 1,200 mm wooden planks / 4x 1,000 x70 x 45 mm squared timbers to use as supports

To build the front wall of the garden box, you’ll first need the two front supports. Lie them flat on your work surface and connect them using a wooden plank. Attach the plank flush to the two supports by drilling a hole through them and screwing them together.

Then, attach another wooden plank underneath with a spacing of around 2 mm. Watch out: This second plank must protrude by 18 mm on both sides (this equates to the thickness of the wooden plank as it will be screwed in later). Now, screw on another plank to the underside of the long plank using the same spacing, making sure that this is also flush to the squared timber.

Repeat this step to build the back wall of the garden box. A total of six boards have to be assembled for the two walls.


Connect the front and back walls

Another side bar is being placed on the wooden construction.
The front and back walls of the box are being stood up on the work surface.
A side bar is being positioned between the front and back walls.
A hole is being drilled in a side bar with a cordless drill.
Another side bar is being placed on the wooden construction.
The front and back walls of the box are being stood up on the work surface.

You need:
Cordless drill/driver
3.5 mm wood drill bit
Screw bits
g-clamps, pencil, meter rule, spacer, several 4 x 50 mm screws / 4x 600 mm wooden planks / 2x 564 mm wooden planks

Now, place the two walls top-down on your work surface. Connect the front and back walls with a 600 mm wooden plank on both sides. Drill the holes and insert the screws.

Then, attach two additional side bars to each side. Factor in the lengths of the planks and the appropriate nesting (alternating level, protruding, level...)


Attach squared timbers and insert the upper bottom panel

A wooden bottom panel is being screwed in place.
A squared timber is being placed inside a wooden box.
A squared timber is being clamped to the upper side of the wooden box to act as a spacer.
A hole is being drilled into a wooden plank from the outside to attach a squared timber.
A wooden bottom panel is being inserted into the box.
A wooden bottom panel is being screwed in place.
A squared timber is being placed inside a wooden box.

You need:
3.5 mm wood drill bit
Screw bits
g-clamps, pencil, pocket rule, several 4 x 50 mm screws / 3x 1,074 mm squared timbers / 4x 424 mm squared timbers / prepared 1,164 x 500 x 20 mm bottom panel

Now, place squared timbers inside the box flush with the bottom edge. Drill holes in the outer sides and screw two long and two short squared timbers to them (picture 1).

You will also then need to attach three more squared timbers to the inside of the box. Attach them beneath the upper plank at a distance equal to the thickness of a plank (see picture 2). Here, attach two shorter ones to outer sides and a long one to the front side. Do not attach any squared timbers to the back wall.

They only act as a support for the bottom panel of the raised bed. Place the panel prepared in step 1 on the three squared timbers (picture 4), flush at the front, and screw it in place.


Attach the squared timbers and insert the lower wooden panel

A wooden panel is being screwed down.
A squared timber is being screwed to two wooden supports.
A wooden panel is being placed on to a squared timber.
A wooden panel is being screwed down.
A squared timber is being screwed to two wooden supports.

…and screw it down firmly.

Mount a squared timber to each of the short outer sides...

…position the bottom panel…

…and screw it down firmly.

Mount a squared timber to each of the short outer sides...

You need:
Cordless drill/driver
3.5 mm wood drill bit
Screw bits
g-clamps, pencil, meter rule, several 5 x 80 mm screws / 2x 564 mm squared timbers / prepared 1,164 x 500 x 20 mm bottom panel

Turn your now finished component the right way up so that it is standing on its feet properly.

Now, attach two more squared timbers to the outer sides of the lower part of the feet. They will act as a support for the lower wooden panel. Then, insert this panel (also prepared in step 1) and screw it in place.


Insert the pond liner

Pond liner is being tacked down.
Pond liner is being inserted into a wooden box.
Black pond liner is being stretched over the corner of a wooden box.
Pond liner is being tacked down.
Pond liner is being inserted into a wooden box.

You need:
Cordless tacker
optional: cutter, stapling needles

Now, place the pond liner in the upper, open part of the raised bed so that every side is covered. Tack the shorter sides down first.

Next, use a craft knife to cut the corners of the pond liner so that it does not overlap when you tack the other sides. You can then also tack the longer side at the front. Watch out: don’t tack the long side at the back yet.


Insert the drain

The protruding ends of the pond liner are being trimmed off with a craft knife.
A round hole for a drain is being cut into the pond liner with a craft knife.
A drain is being fastened with a screwdriver.
The protruding ends of the pond liner are being trimmed off with a craft knife.
A round hole for a drain is being cut into the pond liner with a craft knife.

You need:
Cordless tacker
craft knife, screwdriver, drain

You still need to insert a drain so that you can water your plants in the raised bed without standing water accumulating and damaging the plants. To attach this, first place the drain ring on the floor of the pond liner towards the back. A hose will be easy to connect from underneath later on as there are neither bottom panels nor squared timbers underneath.

Now, cut a suitable hole in the pond liner (picture 1), insert the drain and secure it in place with the screw provided (picture 2).
Once the drain is in place, you can also tack down the second long side of the liner. When you’re finished, the pond liner should cover the inner area entirely and be stretched and tight. Any protruding ends can be trimmed off (picture 3).


Spray with paint

A wooden raised bed is being painted with a paint spray system.

A paint spray system is the quickest way to paint the large surfaces of the raised bed.

You need:
Bosch sprøytemalesystemer
paint roller or paintbrush, Finished raised bed / weatherproof wood paint

How about a splash of colour? It’s worth giving your raised bed a quick coat of paint to achieve that perfect summer look – you can either opt for one bright wall of colour or unleash your inner artist and go for a multi-coloured design. Tap into your creative side – the sky’s the limit!
It’s best to get your hands on a paint spray system when dealing with larger surfaces. If you’d rather use a large range of different colours, then a paintbrush is the better option.


Attach the upper planks

Two planks are being screwed onto the top end of the raised bed.

You can mitre-cut the top two planks to make the raised bed look even better.

You need:
NanoBlade saw
Cordless drill/driver
3.5 mm wood drill bit
Screw bits
several 4 x 50 mm screws / 2x 1,224 mm wooden planks (outside edge) / 2x 624 mm wooden planks (outside edge)

Finally, it’s time to add another four wooden planks to the top frame. You can give your raised bed a high-quality finish by mitre-cutting the four planks at 45 degrees. Drill holes in the sawn planks and then screw them down firmly.

Your raised bed is now ready for plants – but the wooden box will only stand on its four supports after this step. It’s up to you whether you want to leave the area below the bed open or if you want to cover it up as we have in our example. You’re a DIY expert, after all. You can build simple wood panelling by following the steps as you did before for the upper box for the bed.


Get planting

The video shows all the elements needed for planting in a raised bed.

You will need to build up various layers of materials – and in the right order – to be able to plant in your raised bed.

You need: Dry branches and leaves / ripe compost for sufficient nutrients (about 5-6 months old) / topsoil / potting soil

Before you start planting the raised bed, you should make sure that you plant the right layers of leaves, compost and soil. Proceed as follows:
-Create a foundation with branches and leaves.
-Place compost on top, about 5-6 months old.
-Follow with a layer of topsoil.
-For the top layer, use ordinary potting soil.
-You can put your plants and things in there now.