Verktyg för Hem & Trädgård

To add a special touch and more storage: the DIY storage cabinet with mirror

A DIY wooden storage cabinet with mirror can be seen above the sink in a bathroom with light-coloured tiles
The DIY storage cabinet with mirror is ideal for use in a bathroom, but it would also make a nice addition to other rooms

  • Difficulty
  • Cost
    <50 €
  • Duration
    3 - 8 h

Is your bathroom lacking a nifty little cabinet? Our DIY wooden storage cabinet with mirror is compact and handy. What’s more, it looks very high class. The sliding mirror gives you easy access to the bathroom items you store in it. We’ll show you how to build a storage cabinet with mirror in a few simple steps.

You need
  • pencil
  • ear protectors
  • g-clamps
  • face mask
  • wood glue
  • safety glasses
  • optional: ruler
  • mirror: 40 x 20 x 0.3 cm
  • 2 wooden boards: 564 x 200 x 18 mm
  • 2 wooden boards: 425 x 200 x 18 mm
  • wooden board: 564 x 175 x 18 mm
  • 2 wooden boards: 564 x 50 x 18 mm
  • wooden board: 564 x 20 x 18 mm
  • 12 wood dowels (8 x 40 mm)
  • dowel centre points
  • hardwax oil
L: Length, W: Width, H: Height, D: Diameter
Step 1 9

Measuring the boards

A young person measures the width of a wooden board using the tape adapter of a Zamo laser measure.
Make sure all boards are the right size before starting to build your cabinet.

You need: optional: ruler, pencil, wooden boards

First of all, you will need eight boards in the correct dimensions. Your local DIY store will sometimes cut the boards to size for you. You will need to make cuts in some of the boards additionally.

For example, you will need to take off about 2.5 cm from the width of the board you’re using as the middle shelf. Measure the dimensions using the Zamo tape adapter and transfer them to the board.

Step 2 9

Cutting the boards

A person uses a circular saw to cut a piece of wood. The piece of wood is clamped down securely on a workbench
For better results, use a circular saw when cutting the boards

You need: Cordless circular saw, g-clamps, face mask, safety glasses, ear protectors

Now use a circular saw to cut the board.


You can use a piece of wood as a guide. Just make sure to clamp it securely.

Step 3 9

Cutting a groove

Close-up: Two hands holding a cordless circular saw that is used to cut a groove in the wooden board. The board is clamped down securely on a workbench.
You need to set the blade of the circular saw when cutting the groove
Close-up of a mirror that has been inserted in the groove of a wooden board
The groove’s width depends on the thickness of the mirro

You need: Cordless circular saw, safety glasses, g-clamps, ear protectors, wooden boards, mirror

The upper and lower boards will hold the mirror. You will need to saw a groove in them so that they can do this. Use your circular saw to cut a groove in the lower board. Before making the cut, set the circular saw to a depth of 6 mm. For safety reasons, please remove the battery from the saw when setting it.

When you’re finished, repeat the process for the groove in the upper board. Set the depth on the circular saw to 12 mm so it is easier to place the mirror in the grooves later on. Make sure that you use the board with the deeper groove as the upper board.

Check that your mirror fits and that it has enough play for you to be able to slide it from side to side later on. If necessary, you may need to make a wider groove with the circular saw.

Step 4 9

Drill holes in the shelving boards for the dowels

A person drills holes in one side of a wooden board. The board is clamped down securely on a workbench.
You need to drill holes for the dowels in all three shelving boards
A young person uses their right hand to insert dowel centre points into predrilled holes.
Dowel centre points help you mark the correct positions for the holes on the side panels for the dowels

You need: Cordless combi drill, g-clamps

Now drill in the sides of the upper, middle and lower boards for the dowels. You will need two holes for your wood dowels (one on each side) in the respective depth on each board.

Insert dowel centre points into all the holes. They help you mark the positions of the holes on the side panels for the dowels.

Step 5 9

Mark the positions of the holes for the dowels

Close-up of a hammer striking a wooden board
You mark the positions of the holes for the dowels by pressing the side panels against the dowel centre points

Now mark the holes on the side panels for the dowels. Making sure everything is flush, press the respective boards against the dowel centre points in the shelves to do so. It helps to use a hammer here, It's best to use a scrap piece of wood to do so. You avoid damaging the side panel. You will automatically mark the drill holes in the correct positions.

Step 6 9

Insert the dowels into the side panels

Close-up of a drill making a hole in the top of a wooden board.
You need to drill holes in the side panels for the dowels, too
A wood dowel is inserted into a wooden board.
Wood dowels are inserted into the drill holes

You need: Cordless combi drill, safety glasses, ear protectors, wood glue, wood dowels

Drill the holes for the dowels in the marked positions on the side panels. Then, pour some wood glue into the holes before inserting the dowels.

Step 7 9

Glue the support board to the bottom board

A young person spreads glue on a wooden board using a brush.
Spread glue on the edges of the support board
Two people clamp down two wooden boards onto a workbench
Glue it to the bottom board and use clamps to securely hold both boards together

You need: wood glue, g-clamps

Glue the narrow support board of the storage cabinet to the bottom board. Hold everything in place using clamps as it dries.

You can repeat this step for the middle and upper shelving boards as necessary. Make sure that the support board for the upper shelving board is on the underside.


Step 8 9

Place everything together

A young person places two wooden boards together.
This time has now come for you to place all shelving boards and side panels together.

You need: wood glue

Pour glue into the holes for the dowels in the upper, middle and lower boards. Now you can place all boards together with both side panel

Step 9 9

Insert the mirror

A young person inserts a narrow mirror into a wooden cabinet.
Insert the mirror into the upper, wider groove first and then into the lower one

You need: Mirror

Now all you have to do is insert the mirror. The differing widths of the grooves enable you to more conveniently insert the mirror.

Your storage cabinet with mirror is now complete!