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Verktyg för Hem & Trädgård

Turn your favourite memories into a heart collage

A picture of the finished heart collage of photographs.
Make your memories into wall art.
  • Difficulty
  • Cost
    <50 €
  • Duration
    1-3 h

Why not transform your hall or bedroom wall with a creative collage of photos and take a trip down memory lane? Simply print your favorite pictures on self-adhesive photo paper at home or at a copy shop and you’re ready to get started. By displaying your photos in a heart shaped collage, your memories will always be visible and give your home that unique, personal touch.

You need

Getting started

A picture of all the tools and materials needed to complete the heart collage.

Here is everything you need.

You need:
Cross Line Laser

Before getting started with the collage there are a couple of things to prepare. In order to position the Quigo cross line laser at the desired height, place a ladder in front of the wall, attach the MM2 universal holder to it and click the Quigo into the flexible adapter plate. The Quigo projects a level laser cross, which consists of a horizontal and a vertical reference line.


Alternatively, you can attach the universal holder and Quigo to a shelf, a floor lamp or the edge of a door near the wall.


Time to set up the Quigo

A picture of someone setting up the Quigo on a wall and lining up a photo.

Time to set up the Quigo and get to work.

Once the Quigo is secured, simply slide the protective cover up and get to work. The tool levels itself automatically, meaning that it is always perfectly aligned horizontally and vertically. The cross forms the center lines of the heart collage, on which the photos can be precisely arranged.

Should you wish to spread out your heart a little more, simply move the Quigo half a centimeter for each row, so that there is a small gap between the photos already stuck on the wall and the next “photo column”.

Add the photos

A picture of someone using the Quigo's lines to put photos up onto a wall in a heart shape.

Start adding the photos to the wall.

You need: photographs

Now arrange the photos one-by-one on the left and right, as well as at the top and bottom on the reference lines, so that a horizontal row and a vertical column of photos is produced on the laser cross. Orientate the laser cross on the rows of photos to apply more photos directly to the wall. Thanks to the self-adhesive photo paper, the photos can be applied to the wall easily.


Creating the heart shape

A picture of someone adding the finishing photos to the heart collage.

Use smaller photos to form the curves at the top and sides of the heart.

When applying the photos, ensure that you create a heart shape by arranging the 13x18 cm photos in such a way that they run like a staircase, in other words, by placing fewer photos in each row as you proceed from top to bottom, so that the heart comes to a point at the bottom. Use the smaller 10x15 cm photos to form the curves at the top and sides of the heart so that it doesn’t appear too angular.

Your heart collage is now complete. You can now enjoy your favourite family moments!