Build your own bamboo headboard for your bed 

There is a bed with a bamboo headboard in a room with parquet flooring.
Combined with a few plants, the bamboo headboard gives your bedroom a tropical feel.
  • Difficulty
  • Cost
    17-34 £
  • Duration
    3-4 h


Are you fascinated by the tropics, jungles and plants? Then you should definitely incorporate the look of nature into your bedroom, for example with a Jungle Bed. This doesn't mean that you need to buy a new bed – just adding a stylish bamboo headboard will give the room a taste of the jungle. We explain how to build it yourself.

Have you discovered our 18-volt system yet? It incorporates lots of tools for a wide range of applications. What makes it special, as demonstrated in this project, You can complete all applications using the same battery every time. Simply pull out the battery pack, insert it into another tool from the system and you can get straight on with the next step of your project.

Of course, with every step you must pay particular attention to your safety and take certain precautions to keep safe. See our overview for the appropriate protective clothing for all applications.

You need

Sawing wooden slats and phenolic resin coated plywood sheets to size

Use a cordless jigsaw to saw the phenolic resin coated plywood sheets.

This plywood sheet will be used to hold the bamboo sticks in position at a later stage.

You need:
Cordless combi drill
3.5 mm wood drill bit
Curve-cutting saw blade T 101A0
pencil, wooden board to place underneath, g-clamps, pocket rule, mechanical pencil lead, Wood screws; 3.5 x 20 mm, Phenolic resin coated plywood sheets; 9 x 700 x 700 mm, Pine wooden slats; 9 x 80 x 2000 mm

Firstly, use a jigsaw to saw off a piece of 700 mm in length from both wooden slats (9 x 80 x 2000 mm) so that you have a total of four wooden slats with the following dimensions: 2x 9 x 80 x 700 mm; 2x 9 x 80 x 1300 mm. Use two screw clamps to secure the wooden slats so that they are stable.

On the sawn wooden slats, mark two points at the centre of the narrower edges at a distance of 600 mm from each other. The distance between the two points and the shorter sides of the wooden slat should each be 50 mm. You must then drill through the two marks with a 3 mm wood drill bit. Place a board underneath for splinter-free drilling.

You can now use the wooden slat with the holes as a compass for marking a round cut-out on the two phenolic resin coated plywood sheets (9 x 700 x 700 mm). To do this, insert a screw into one of the holes and secure it to a corner of the plywood sheet. Insert the lead of a mechanical pencil into the second hole. Use this construction to draw a quarter circle. You must repeat this step on the other phenolic resin coated plywood sheet.

Now use a jigsaw to carefully saw out the two marked quarter circles from the sheets.

To produce clean cut-outs and ensure safe working, you should secure the sheets with two clamps when sawing them.

Trimming the bamboo sticks

A NanoBlade saw is used to trim the bamboo sticks.

It is best to plan how many pieces you need and of what length before you start sawing the bamboo sticks.

You need:
NanoBlade saw
g-clamps, pencil, pocket rule, Bamboo sticks (10 measuring 16 mm x 2 m; 10 measuring 23 mm x 2 m; 8 measuring 31 mm x 2 m)

Now use a NanoBlade saw to gradually trim the bamboo sticks. The size of the bamboo sticks should be based on the four cut phenolic resin coated plywood sheets. However, you can work on a more approximate basis at this initial stage. This is because fine sanding will be carried out later on.
To ensure that the two quarter circles can be combined into a continuous semi-circle at a later stage, make sure that the bamboo sticks can line the length of the semi-circle when trimming them.
You must repeat this step until you have sawn enough bamboo sticks to line all of the phenolic resin coated plywood sheets.

Determine beforehand how the bamboo sticks should be aligned on each of the plywood sheets.

Securing the bamboo sticks

Screw the bamboo sticks onto a wooden sheet.

Clamp everything firmly before you pick up the drill/driver.

You need:
Cordless combi drill
Suitable bit set
3.5 mm wood drill bit
g-clamps, Cut phenolic resin coated plywood sheets, Trimmed bamboo sticks, Wood screws; 3.5 x 20 mm

All of the sawn bamboo sticks must then be secured to the relevant phenolic resin coated plywood sheet in order. To do this, use clamps to secure the bamboo sticks (max. nine) between the working surface and the cut sheets. This will allow you to use a 3 mm wood drill bit to drill through the sheet and into the bamboo sticks (drill a minimum of two holes into each bamboo stick). The position of the drill holes should be based on the curve of the edge on the relevant plywood sheet.

Then secure each bamboo stick with at least two wood screws (3.5 x 20 mm), inserting them into the pre-drilled holes on the sheet. Repeat this process until all four of the sheets are completely lined with bamboo. During this process, two of the quarter circles are combined to form a semi-circle and connected to the cut bamboo sticks to make a single unit.


Adjusting the bamboo sticks

Use a multifunction tool to trim the bamboo sticks.

The rough lengths of the bamboo sticks are now cut so that they match the sheet exactly.

You need:
Multifunction tool
g-clamps, Workpieces from step 3

Now saw off any protruding edges of the attached bamboo sticks in parallel with the edge of the phenolic resin coated plywood sheet. It is best to use a multifunction tool and also to firmly secure the workpieces with clamps.


Joining the sheets

Use a cordless combi drill to attach the wood pieces to the wooden slats.

Make sure that everything is secured and stable.

You need:
Cordless combi drill
Suitable bit set
Workpieces from step 4, Wooden slats from step 1, Wood screws; 3.5 x 20 mm, Suspension eyes to be screwed in

To complete the bamboo headboard, combine the individual elements to form one large piece and screw them together. To do this, use the three cut wooden slats (9 x 80 x 2000 mm) from step 1 and firmly screw them together so that they hold everything together.

Finally, screw on the two suspension eyes at the rear of the headboard. You have now finished a customised, tropical feature for your bedroom! Now all you need to do is to mount the headboard to the wall above the bed.

You can use Atino to achieve the best result when mounting the headboard to the wall. Its horizontal laser line, retractable tape measure and marking aid make it particularly easy to mark very accurate points for the two necessary drill holes at the right height. The Atino line laser – which comes with a gel pad or fixing pins – can be flexibly positioned on the wall and enables the headboard to be positioned straight, all without the assistance of a second person.